There are eighteen PHI identifiers, and they apply to patients, relatives, employers, or household members of the patients.
Name | Address (street address, city, county, zip code (more than 3 digits) or other geographic codes) |
Dates directly related to the patient | Telephone Number |
Fax Number | Email addresses |
Social Security Number | Medical Record Number |
Health Plan Beneficiary Number | Account Number |
Certificate/License Number | Any vehicle or device serial number |
Web URL | Internet Protocol (IP) Address |
Finger or voiceprints | Photographic images |
Any other unique identifying number, characteristic, or code (whether generally available in the public realm or not) | Age greater than 89 (due to the 90 year old and over population is relatively small) |
If you have questions about any of the identifiers, please feel free to call the HIPAA office at 501-603-1379 or e-mail: